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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: Simulation-based learning in palliative care in postgraduate nursing education: a scoping review





—Nursing students in postgraduate education, regardless of type of education and course or duration and extent of course/education

—Nurses participating in simulation-based learning (SBL) in clinical practice when SLB was based on comprehensive activity where either curricula, models, textbooks or other tools for learning were developed

Preregistration nursing students or undergraduate nursing students

Phenomenon of interest

Postgraduate nursing students’ experiences of palliative care SBL in education, including manikin-based, standardized/simulated patients, computer-based programmes, virtual reality or role playing

—SBL in clinical practice not related to education

—Postgraduate nursing students’ experiences in palliative care skill training


Nursing students reported subjective and objective outcomes

Proxy-reported outcomes (e.g. by teachers or facilitators)

Type of studies

Qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods studies on the phenomenon, published in peer-reviewed journals

Doctoral theses, master’s theses, letters, editorials, comments, conference abstracts, books, reports or any type of review