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Table 1 Practice elements of the mindfulness and compassion course

From: Mindfulness and compassion training on daily work with patients and within the multiprofessional palliative care team: a retrospective self-assessment study

Introductory Day (1)

Mindfulness-Days (7)

Prep. Evening

Seminars (6)

Additional Practices

Duration: 6 h

Duration: 8 h

Duration: 1.5 h


Project presentation

Hourly 5–15 min guided meditation (announcement: sounding singing bowl)

Theoretical input

Metta/Tonglen practice during patient care/contact with relatives

Background information

One-to-one sessions or guidance if needed

Introduction of new techniques

Mindful breaks

Basic techniques of mindfulness meditation (e.g. sitting, walking and breathing meditation)

“by the way” practices (see additional practices)

Practice time

Practice anchors during daily work routines

Self-care and compassion


Reflection and exchange

Meditation at home with audio CD