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Table 2 Overview of concepts, themes and subthemes

From: Views of people living with dementia and their carers on their present and future: a qualitative study

Loss of physical and cognitive functions

Theme 1: Staying present and the importance of maintaining self

Theme 2: Discussing the future

 • Subtheme 2.1: Interview as enabler of advance care planning and discussions around the future

 • Subtheme 2.2: Planning for the future in discussions with family members

Loss of Social Identity

Theme 1: Power, control and independence

Theme 2: Perceptions of support and mixed perceptions of care homes

Social Connectedness

Theme 1: Social view of dementia

 • Subtheme 1.1: Life legacy that can be maintained

 • Subtheme 1.2: Viewed by others and mixed metaphors of dementia and decline