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Table 2 Main characteristics of multidisciplinary ethics meetings (N = 115)

From: Context of a neonatal death affects parental perception of end-of-life care, anxiety and depression in the first year of bereavement


 Low quality of life expected

96 (83)

 Disproportionate or unreasonable treatment

32 (28)

 Ineffective treatment

22 (19)


 Physicians of the department

6 (4, 7)

  Involved directly in the patient’s care

2 (1, 2)

  Not involved directly in the patient’s care

3 (2, 5)


1 (0, 2)

 Physicians not assigned to the department

1 (1, 2)

  Palliative care specialist

69 (60)


20 (17)

  Specialist in radiology and medical imaging

17 (15)

  Specialist in medical genetics

14 (12)

  Specialist in pediatric neurology

12 (10)

  Specialist in neurophysiology

12 (10)

  Family physician

1 (0.9)

 Paramedical personnel

2 (1, 3)

  Referent nurse of the infant

104 (90)

  Nurse manager

53 (46)

  Childcare assistant

7 (6)


106 (92)


 Withholding of LST

90 (78)


90 (78)

  Use of catecholamines/vasopressors

36 (31)

  Invasive mechanical ventilation

55 (48)


16 (14)

  Renal replacement therapy

3 (16)

 Withdrawal of LST

58 (50)

  Invasive mechanical ventilation

52 (45)


9 (8)


9 (8)

  Parenteral or enteral feeding

2 (2)

Parental agreement with the decisionb

 Explicit agreement

49 (43)

 Tacit agreement

41 (36)

 Absence of agreement

10 (9)

 Impossible/difficult to adjudicate

15 (13)

  1. Values are numbers (%) or medians (Q25, Q75)
  2. Abbreviations: LST Life-sustaining treatments
  3. aMay be multiple for some infants
  4. bAccording to the referent physician of the department for the infant, after parental interview following the ethics debate