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Table 3 Thematic analysis process – example (Involvement of authors throughout the analysis process)

From: Interdisciplinary collaboration in serious illness conversations in patients with multiple myeloma and caregivers – a qualitative study

Step 1

(First and second author)

Step 2

(First author)

Step 3

(First, second and last author)

Step 4

(All authors)

Step 5

(All authors)


Code and interpretation

Potential theme

Identified subtheme

Overarching theme

Nurse 4: “even though I didn’t know the patient and caregiver, I think my presence alone gave the caregiver the courage to get more involved in the conversation.”

Caregiver 8: “it was a different conversation when the nurse was there, she asked personal questions rather than the typical medical inquiries – more about us as individuals.”

Physician 2: “I know a lot about the treatment and the disease, but the nurses often possess a deeper, more personal understanding of the patient.”

Patient 5: “The conversation becomes more relaxed when we already know the physician and nurse, and they know us.”

Contribution by being present

Different questions

Different knowledge ´

Prior knowledge

Caregiver involvement

Nursing impact

Be seen as a person

Medical vs. personal knowledge

Prior relationship



Importance of relationships

Patient 11: “it didn’t feel like it was a nurse and a physician in front of us. It felt more like two people that were interested in getting to know me better”

Physician 3 ”As a physician, my purpose with this conversation is to align the medical care plan with the wishes and preferences of the patient.”

Patient 3: “She [the nurse] helped us to understand the physician’s explanations about the treatment and how it would affect our everyday life.”

No clear division of roles

Relationship defines the role

Merging roles

Medical role

Nursing role


Importance of relationships