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Table 1 Description of themes identified

From: Regional perspectives on the coordination and delivery of paediatric end-of-life care in the UK: a qualitative study

Standalone theme 1: Communication during end-of-life care

Care is affected by how and when health professionals communicate about end-of-life decisions with children and their families

Overarching theme 2: Getting end-of-life services and staff in the right place

The coordination and delivery of paediatric end-of-life care can be inequitable because of challenges around services and staffing


Description of theme


1. Access to, and staffing of end-of-life care

Paediatric end-of-life care is not always equitable because of the nature of palliative care, the way that services were developed historically, and because of staff shortages

a. Access to end-of-life care services

b. Large areas, small numbers, high intensity

c. Staff shortages and “goodwill”

d. 24/7 advice lines and regional networks

2. Inconsistent and insufficient funding for end-of-life care services

Funding for paediatric end-of-life care services can be difficult to obtain. When it is available, it can be unreliable

a. Difficulties sourcing and maintaining sufficient funding

b. Reliance on charitable organisations

Overarching theme 3: Linking up healthcare provision

The challenges and successes that come from the requirement for end-of-life care to be coordinated and delivered across different services, organisations and locations


Description of theme

1. Coordination successes

Positives that result from formal and informal relationships between services

2. Role of the networks

Networks would be best placed to reduce equity in end-of-life care

3. Coordination challenges

Difficulties caused by having to work across organisational and administrative boundaries