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Table 1 Components and content of the Mouth Educational Program (MEP)

From: Dry mouth in patients with a life-limiting condition or frailty: a study protocol for two intervention studies and a nested qualitative sub-study (the Dry mOuth Project, DROP)


Content of the components

MEP Training

Interactive training on dry mouth and other oral symptoms, oral care, dry mouth interventions and patient education methods. For all topics involved, see components of the MEP handbook.

MEP Handbook

Guidebook to use during the standardized MEP consultations, including road maps, theoretical information and example scenarios

Road maps for standardized consultations

Practical step-by-step plans for both the initial and follow-up consultations, including:

 1 Anamnesis

 2 Oral examination

 3 Patient education

 4 Treatment advice

 5 Reporting

Theoretical information

Evaluation of dry mouth and other (oral) symptoms

 • Anamnesis

 • Oral examination

Patient education on dry mouth

 • Characteristics of dry mouth

 • Consequences for daily life

 • Causes of dry mouth

Oral care & other interventions

 • Oral care for patients with varying levels of independence, functionality and frailty

 • Lifestyle interventions

 • Causal interventions

 • Symptom-based interventions

 • Referrals

Monitoring & reporting

Conversation pointers & example scenarios

Practical tips for patient education and shared decision making, and example clinical scenarios with suggestions for treatment plans and patient education topics

Patient information brochures

Two brochures with information on oral care and dry mouth respectively