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Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics (descriptive statistics)

From: Evaluation of factors predicting the benefit from systemic oncological treatment for severely ill hospitalized patients: a retrospective study


Overall, N = 89 (%)

Age (years) (mean ± SD)


59.0 ± 12.1



48 (53.9%)

BMI (kg/m2) (mean ± SD)

23.5 ± 6.7



- White

50 (56.1%)

- Black

6 (6.7%)

- Brown

32 (35.9%)



- Complete high school

19 (35.8%)

- Incomplete high school

2 (3.8%)

- Elementary school

24 (45.3%)

- Graduation

3 (5.7%)


73 (82%)

- Smoking

45 (50.6%)

- Alcoholism

19 (21.4%)

- Diabetes mellitus

22 (24.7%)

- Hypertension

42 (47.2%)

- Heart

4 (4.5%)

- Pulmonary

9 (10.1%)

- Renal

8 (8.9%)

- Liver

3 (3.4%)

- Autoimmune

10 (11.2%)

- Degenerative orthopedic

4 (4.5%)



- 2

44 (49.4%)

- 3

42 (47.2%)

- 4

3 (3.4%)



- Lung

23 (25.8%)

- Breast

15 (16.9%)

- Colon

9 (10.1%)

- Ovary

8 (9.0%)

- Stomach

5 (5.6%)

- Prostate

4 (4.5%)

Stage T


- 1

2 (2.3%)

- 2

9 (10.1%)

- 3

11 (12.4%)

- 4

38 (42.7%)

- Tx

29 (32.6%)

Stage N


- 0

4 (4.5%)

- 1

19 (21.4%)

- 2

10 (11.2%)

- 3

8 (9.0%)

- Nx

48 (53.9%)

Distance metastasis (M1)

86 (96.6%)

Number of metastasis Sites


- 1

29 (32.6%)

- 2

31 (34.8%)

- 3

17 (19.1%)

- 4 or more

9 (10.1%)

Metastasis sites


- Lung

40 (44.9%)

- Liver

36 (40.4%)

- Lymph node

28 (31.5%)

- Bone

23 (25.8%)

- Peritoneum

20 (22.47%)

- Pleura

15 (16.85%)

- Central nervous system

9 (10.11%)

- Skin

3 (3.37%)

- Adrenal gland

3 (3.37%)

- Bone marrow

3 (3.37%)

Clinal stage


- 2

1 (1.1%)

- 3

2 (2.2%)

- 4

86 (96.6%)

Previous chemotherapy lines


- 0

70 (78.7%)

- 1

11 (12.4%)

- 2 or more

8 (8.9%)

Oncological emergency

38 (42.7%)

- Hepatic visceral crisis

9 (23.7%)

- Intestinal subocclusion

8 (21.1%)

- Superior vena cava syndrome

7 (18.4%)

- Spinal cord compression syndrome

7 (18.4%)

- Pulmonary lymphangitis

6 (15.8%)

- Hypercalcemia

1 (2.6%)

Purpose of systemic therapy


- Neoadjuvant or adjuvant

2 (2.2%)

- Palliative

87 (97.8%)

Type of systemic oncological treatment


- Chemotherapy

83 (93.3%)

- Hormone therapy

6 (6.7%)

Reduced chemotherapy dose

18 (20.2%)

Other inpatient treatments


- Radiotherapy

9 (10.2%)

- Surgery

4 (4.6%)

Assessment by palliative care team

30 (33.7%)

Death (until last assessment)

75 (84.3%)

Death within 30 days after chemotherapy

52 (58.4%)

Post-chemotherapy survival (days) (mean ± SD)

74.6 ± 148.1

- Spread


Immediate cause of death



53 (73.6%)

Septic shock

6 (8.3%)

Febrile neutropenia

5 (6.9%)

Tumor lysis syndrome

4 (5.6%)

Respiratory failure

1 (1.4%)

Hypovolemic shock

3 (4.2%)

ICU admission

18 (20.2%)

Performing orotracheal intubation / mechanical ventilation

16 (18.0%)

Blood transfusion

13 (14.6%)

Central venous catheter insertion

29 (32.6%)

  1. Notes: Data are shown as n (%) unless otherwise specified. SD = standard deviation, BMI = body-mass index, ECOG = Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status, T = tumor size, N = number of lymph nodes, M = presence or absence of distant metastases, ICU = intensive care unit