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Table 2 Codebook

From: Serious illness communication skills training for emergency physicians and advanced practice providers: a multi-method assessment of the reach and effectiveness of the intervention





Improved Knowledge

Improved or augmented comprehension, understanding, or command of serious illness conversations

Include any item that refers, explicitly or implicitly, to an individual’s improved knowledge in hospice and palliative care practice, with or without specific details

Exclude if the statement refers to the course and does not reflect on individual or group improved knowledge

For implicit meaning: Exclude “close code but not exact” and “no, code is different” after applying the synonym rule

Improved Attitude

A positive feeling or disposition towards engaging in serious illness conversations

Include any item that refers, explicitly or implicitly, to an individual’s improved attitude in engaging in hospice and palliative care, with or without specifics

Exclude if the statement refers to the course and does not reflect on individual or group improved attitude. For implicit coding: Exclude “close code but not exact” and “no, code is different” after applying the synonym rule

Improved Practice

Improved day-to-day activities and expertise in engaging in serious illness conversations

Include any item that refers, explicitly or implicitly, to an individual’s improved practice or acquisition of skills in hospice and palliative care, with or without specific details

Exclude if the statement refers to the course and does not reflect on individual or group improved clinical practice or skill acquisition. For implicit coding: Exclude “close code but not exact” and “no, code is different” after applying the synonym rule

  1. Synonym rule: For items that have implicit meanings, a synonym of the anchor word or phrase is applied and the sentence is re-assessed and categorized as either “yes, code is exact”, “no, code is different”, or “close code but not exact”