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Table 2 Overview of outcomes and outcome measures evaluated in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or interstitial lung diseases and their family and/or friend caregivers

From: Integrating palliative care education in pulmonary rehabilitation: a randomized controlled study protocol


Outcome measure



People with COPD or ILD

Family and/or friend caregivers




Knowledge about palliative care

PaCKS [45]

- Self-reported questionnaire with 13 items which are true or false. A broad range of topics are assessed, including goals, target population and timing of palliative care, as well as symptoms and problems that palliative care addresses

- For each statement, “True”, “False” and “I don’t know” options are provided, and a mark is given for each correct answer

- Scores range from 0/13 to 13/13, with higher scores indicating higher knowledge

Not applicable




Attitude towards palliative care referral

“Would you like (your loved one) to be referred to a specialist palliative care team at this time?” [46]

- “Would you like to be referred to a specialist palliative care team at this time?” and “Would you like your loved one to be referred to a specialist palliative care team at this time?” will be asked to people with COPD or ILD and their family and/or friend caregivers, respectively

- Possible answers are “Yes”, “No” or “Don’t know”

Not applicable




“Would you like (your loved one) to be referred to a specialist palliative care team if your (your loved one’) health deteriorates?”

- “Would you like to be referred to a specialist palliative care team if your health deteriorates?” and “Would you like your loved one to be referred to a specialist palliative care team if your loved one’ health deteriorates?” will be asked to people with COPD or ILD and their family and/or friend caregivers, respectively who do not answer "Yes" to the previous question

- Possible answers are “Yes”, “No” or “Don’t know”

Not applicable





“Do you feel pain?”

Pain charts [47] and VAS [48, 49]

- Participants will be asked about pain perception with a closed question: “Do you feel pain?”

- In affirmative cases, pain charts and VAS will be used to identify its location and to measure its intensity, respectively

- Scores will be recorded on a 10 centimeters (cm) line that represents a continuum between “no pain” and “worst pain”


-1.37 cm





mMRC [50, 51]

- 5-point scale graded from 0 (“No breathlessness except on strenuous exercise”) to 4 (“Too breathless to leave the house or breathless when dressing or undressing”). Higher scores indicate greater dyspnoea severity on daily activities

-1 grade






FACIT-FS [52, 53]

- 13-item questionnaire assessing tiredness, weakness, listlessness, lack of energy, and their impact on HRQoL

- Each item is rated from 0 (“Not at all”) to 4 (“Very much”). Total score ranges from 0 to 52. Higher scores indicate less fatigue

 + 4.7 points





LCQ [54, 55]

- 19-item questionnaire containing three domains: physical, psychological and social

- Each item is rated from 1 to 7. Final score ranges from 3 to 21. Higher scores indicate weaker influence of cough on quality of life

 + 1.3 points





Anxiety and depression

HADS [56, 57]

- 14 multiple-choice items divided into 7 item subscales for anxiety (HADS-A) and depression (HADS-D)

- Scores in each subscale range from 0 to 21. Higher scores indicate greater levels of anxiety and/or depression. Clinically significant anxiety or depression are interpreted by scores ≥ 8


-1.5 points


-1.5 points




Disease impact

CAT [58, 59]

- 8-item questionnaire which addresses cough, sputum, chest tightness, dyspnoea, home daily activities, confidence leaving home, sleep and energy levels in a 6-point scale rated from 0 to 5

- Score ranges from 0 to 40. Higher scores indicate more severe impairment on health status. A score of more than 20 indicates high impact

-2 points






SGRQ [60, 61]

- 50-item questionnaire which evaluates three different domains contributing to overall health, daily life, and perceived well-being: symptoms, activity and impact

- A score in each domain and a total score are calculated and weighted, ranging from 0 to 100. Higher scores indicate worse HRQoL

-4 points






SNAP [62, 63]

- 15 questions with the format: “Do you need more support with…” (e.g., “Do you need more support with managing your symptoms?”)

- For each statement, “No”, “A little more” and “Quite a bit more” options are provided to identify the domains in need of support

- There is an optional additional open-ended question to capture “anything else” not already covered

- The final question refers to the caregiver needs: “Does a family member or friend who helps you need more support?”

Not applicable





CSNAT [64, 65]

- 14 questions covering caregivers’ broad support domains which fall into two distinct groups: support that enable them to provide care and more direct personal support for themselves

- All questions follow the format: “Do you need more support with…” (e.g., “Do you need more support with knowing what to expect in the future?”)

- For each question, “No”, “A little more”, “Quite a bit more” and “Very much more” options are provided to identify support needed within any of the domains

- There is an optional additional open-ended question to capture “anything else” not already covered

Not applicable





Functional performance

LCADL [66, 67]

- 15 activities of daily living organized in four domains: self-care, domestic, physical and leisure

- Each item is rated from 0 (“I wouldn’t do it anyway”) to 5 (“I need someone else to do this”), except for one additional question on global impact with “A lot”, “A little” and “Not at all” as answer choices

- Final score ranges from 0 to 75. Higher scores indicate greater functional limitation


-3 points

LCADL % of total

-4 points





Functional capacity

6-MWT [68, 69]

- Evaluates the distance walked at a fast pace during 6 min in a 30 meters (m) corridor

 + 30 m





Peripheral muscle strength

Quadriceps strength

1-RM [37, 70]

Handgrip strength

HHD [71, 72]

- Quadriceps strength, 1-RM: determines the greatest amount of weight in kilogram (kg) that the participant could move in a double leg extension manoeuvre (isotonic strength)

- Handgrip strength, HHD: measures the maximum isometric strength of the hand and forearm muscles at the dominant side in kg


 + 5.7 kg, 26.9%


Not available






Brief-BESTest [73, 74]

- 8-item scale evaluating 6 domains contributing to postural control in standing and walking: biomechanical constraints, stability limits/verticality, transitions/anticipatory postural adjustments, reactive postural control, sensory orientation and stability gait

- Each domain is evaluated with a test scored from 0 (severe impairment) to 3 (no impairment), with a maximum of 24. Higher scores indicate better balance performance

 + 3 points





Knowledge about COPD

BCKD [18]

- 65 statements divided in 13 topics, each with a stem; these topics cover epidemiology and physiology, aetiology, common symptoms, breathlessness, phlegm, chest infections, exercise, smoking, immunization, inhaled bronchodilators, antibiotics, and oral/inhaled steroids

- For each statement, “True”, “False” and “I don’t know” options are provided, and a mark is given for each correct answer

- Total score corresponds to the percentage of correct answers

Not available




Burden of providing care

ZBI [75]

- 22-item questionnaire addressing impact of caring experience in several domains: health and wellbeing, personal and social life, and finances

- Each question has five response options rated from 0 (“Never”) to 4 (“Almost always”), except for the final question on global burden, rated from 0 (“Not at all”) to 4 (“Extremely”). Final score ranges from 0 to 88. Higher scores indicate greater burden. A score of more than 24 indicates high burden

Not available







- Number of attended exercise sessions and education and psychosocial support sessions

Not applicable




Adverse events


- Occurrence of adverse events during PR

Not applicable




Referral to a specialist palliative care team


- Number of people with COPD or ILD referred to a specialist palliative care team

Not applicable




  1. The symbol identifies the outcomes to be assessed in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or interstitial lung diseases and/or their caregivers. The symbol × identifies the outcomes to be assessed in each timepoint (i.e., T0, T1 and T2)
  2. Legend—T0 Baseline, T1 End of pulmonary rehabilitation, T2 6-months post-pulmonary rehabilitation, 1-RM One-repetition maximum, 6-MWT 6-min walking test, BCKD Bristol COPD Knowledge Questionnaire, Brief-BESTest Brief-Balance Evaluation Systems Test, CAT COPD Assessment Test, COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, CSNAT Carer Support Needs Assessment Tool, FACIT-FS Fatigue Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Fatigue Subscale, HADS Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, HHD Hand-held dynamometer, HRQoL Health-related quality of life, ILD Interstitial lung diseases, LCADL London Chest Activities of Daily Living, LCQ Leicester Cough Questionnaire, MCID Minimal clinically important difference, mMRC Modified Medical Research Council questionnaire, PaCKS Palliative Care Knowledge Scale, PR Pulmonary rehabilitation, SGRQ Saint George’s Respiratory Questionnaire, SNAP Support Needs Approach for Patients, VAS Visual analogue scale, ZBI Zarit Burden Interview
  3.  aThe minimal clinically important differences (MCID) reported are based on data from people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, except the MCID of visual analogue scale (VAS) that is based on data from people with rheumatological diseases