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Table 2 Qualitative thematic content analysis with an inductive approach as proposed by Burnard

From: Nurse assistants’ perception of caring for older persons who are dying in their own home

Step 1 JB and MN first listened and then read the transcribed interviews repeatedly and individually to obtain an overall understanding of the material

Step 2 In the second step, the highlighted parts were condensed. Next, they highlighted individual text related to the aim of the study

In step 3, the remaining material was then jointly categorized, and codes with similar meanings were arranged and compared to ensure consensus. Next, codes were grouped and regrouped into general themes (i.e., thematic categorization). The results were compiled into themes and subthemes after repeated comparisons and reductions of the categories. Finally, the distinctive characteristics of each theme were identified and described to identify constructs until the final themes integrating all NAs’ perspectives were formed