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Table 2 Comparison of patients meeting one or more SPICT-LIS criteria by the text-mining algorithms

From: Identifying cancer patients who received palliative care using the SPICT-LIS in medical records: a rule-based algorithm and text-mining technique


Relaxed-rule-based algorithm (N (%))

Strict-rule-based algorithm (N (%))

Indicator 1: performance status is poor or deteriorating, best available treatment has limited effect

3494 (24.3)

2003 (13.9)

Indicator 2: depends on others for care due to increasing physical and/or mental health problems

3412 (23.8)

1287 (9.0)

Indicator 3: the individual’s carer requires more help and support

8 (0.1)

8 (0.1)

Indicator 4: the individual experienced significant weight loss over the last few months, or remains underweight

2533 (17.6)

1969 (13.7)

Indicator 5: persistent symptoms despite receiving the best available treatment for underlying condition(s); is unable to access treatment

39 (0.3)

39 (0.3)

Indicator 6: the individual (or family) asks for palliative care; chooses to reduce, stop, or not have treatment; or wishes to focus on quality of life

1126 (7.8)

1039 (7.2)

Met criteria

3282 (22.9)

1593 (11.1)