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Table 1 Modules of the intervention “Being an informal caregiver – strengthening resources”

From: “Being an informal caregiver – strengthening resources”: mixed methods evaluation of a psychoeducational intervention supporting informal caregivers in palliative care

Module No.


Module content (examples)


Hands-on care: tips and strategies for providing care at home (nurse)

- Caring for a patient with progressive incurable diseases

- Which symptoms to expect?

- Handling different symptoms (e.g. loss of appetite, dry mouth)

- Where to find further practical tips?


Getting prepared: Information about social and legal issues (social worker)

- Different types of care (e.g. outpatient palliative care, hospice)

- Patient decrees and health care proxy

- What financial assistance can I get and how?

- Where to get further information?


Questions, uncertainties and concerns about grief and loss

(grief counsellor)

- Grief and bereavement

- What can I do for myself?

- How can I support significant others?


Strategies to cope with own needs and emotions (art therapist/psychologist)

- Burden and needs of ICs

- Fear, anxiety, sadness, grief, worries

- Coping: double awareness

- Practical exercises for finding and using own resources


Strategies for handling changes in the disease progression (physician)

- When does palliative care start?

- (Non-)pharmacological therapies for managing different symptoms (e.g. pain, fatigue)

- Handling medications


Practical exercises for self-care and own physical well-being (physiotherapist)

- Importance of physical activity (caring for oneself is caring for others)

- Practical tips for daily life

- Movement and relaxation exercises